New Canadian Immigration Services
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Culinary Management - International

Program Overview
The Culinary Management - International is a two-year diploma program that brings an international perspective to traditional culinary management. Graduates will be well-versed in culinary techniques, sanitation practices and management strategies. Students will acquire knowledge of international cuisine, which can be applied in Canada and/or globally. Students will learn how to manage diversity in the workplace through exposure to the unique relationship between cuisine, culture and religion. They will have a sound culinary foundation and specialization in ethnic and international cuisine. Such specialization is well suited to the cruise ship industry and the all-inclusive resorts, both of which offer many types of diverse cuisines as part of the dinng experiences.
Graduates will:
Gain an international perspective to a traditional culinary management program
Be well versed in culinary techniques, sanitation practices and management strategies while supported by knowledge of international cuisine which can then be applied in Canada or their country of origin
Access pathways and products to allow them to achieve success by addressing the need for cooks and chefs with a diversified portfolio of international cuisines as identified by Ontario Job Futures
Be prepared to manage diversity in the workplace by embedding equity competencies in all our programs through exposing them to the unique relationships between cuisine, culture and religion

At A Glance
Graduates will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to carry out their duties in a safe and professional manner and will be ready for entry level positions in:
Cruise Lines
Country Clubs